A chipped windshield can appear out of nowhere. One moment you are driving down the road and the next a passing car has thrown a rock into your windshield, which could leave you dealing with a small chip or a very noticeable crack. No matter how it happened or the level of damage, you should have your automotive glass repaired right away. Kemna Collision Repair’s glass repair and replacement technicians are here to help.
A chip or crack in your windshield not only compromises the integrity of the glass but also impacts your ability to drive safely. If the damage to your windshield crosses the driver’s field of vision, it creates an unsafe situation for those in the vehicle as well as other cars and pedestrians around you. A small crack might not feel like a big deal, but it is a hazard and should be addressed right away.
That little crack in your windshield can spread quickly. Driving over a speed bump too fast, slamming your car door, or even leaving your windshield exposed to fluctuating hot and cold temperatures can cause a crack to expand. Your automotive glass is designed to protect you, but once it’s been damaged, it is only a matter of time before it fails you. Be proactive with your automotive glass and have it repaired as soon as possible. Kemna Collision Repair is pleased to offer on-site glass repair to the residents and business owners in Jefferson City, MO, and the surrounding communities.
Not every chipped windshield needs to be replaced. It is possible to repair your existing automotive glass. In order to determine the best repair for your vehicle’s glass, please call for a quote. Our automotive glass expert will thoroughly inspect your glass and decide if a repair or replacement is necessary. Small chips can often be corrected with our proven windshield chip repair processes.
Large chips or cracks should be repaired as soon as they appear. Stress cracks caused by fluctuating temperatures or aging glass in older vehicles can quickly spread the next time you drive over a rough pothole. These cracks are hard to ignore and will easily impact your ability to drive safely. Call Kemna Collision Repair to schedule a windshield inspection and replacement. Our automotive glass repair services are unmatched in Jefferson City, MO.
If you need a windshield repair or replacement as well as other auto body services, bring your car to our state-of-the-art shop for repairs. Our automotive glass technician will repair or replace your windshield while our professional auto body repair team will perform
paintless dent repairs or
collision damage repairs. Kemna Collision Repair is your full-service auto body repair shop in Jefferson City, MO.
If you were in a collision with another vehicle, a deer, or a stationary object, you probably have more than auto glass damage. Not only can Kemna Collision Repair repair your chipped or cracked glass, we can also repair damage to your vehicle and bring it back to its previous condition. Collision repair is a delicate process that requires exact calculations and precise technical knowledge. Every one of our team members is equipped to provide the best repair possible for your personal or commercial vehicle.
After a hail storm, you may have a chipped windshield and dented auto body. Kemna Collision Repair’s quick and powerful paintless dent repair services will have you back on the road in a vehicle that is both road-safe and attractive. Schedule your paintless dent repair appointment today.
Don’t drive your vehicle with chipped or cracked windshield glass. Instead, make an appointment with our expert team. Bring your vehicle into the shop for the ultimate experience in convenience and service. Kemna Collision Repair will have you safely behind the wheel with a clear view in no time.
Address: 5021 Roling Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Call: (573) 634-4100
Email: tanner@kemnacollision.com
After Hours by Appointment